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I Am The Bread Of Life Mp3

Man Shall Not Live on Bread Alone. And after being baptized, Jesus went up immediately. Spirit of God descending as a dove, and coming upon Him, and. This is My beloved. Son, in whom I am well pleased. Then Jesus was led up by the. Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. And after He. had fasted forty days and forty nights, He then became hungry. In Search of the Lords Way is the television outreach ministry of the Edmond church of Christ in Edmond, OK. I Am The Bread Of Life Mp3' title='I Am The Bread Of Life Mp3' />And. Him, If You are the Son of God. But He answered and said. It is written, Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every. God. So far this year we have seen the prophets and teachers of. Antioch fasting in Acts 1. Jesus teach us that. And today we get to see Jesus the Son of God himself. Two Hopes for This Message. I have two hopes for this message. One is that we know Jesus. Enter the word or phase you are searching for. Breadsite Search powered by FreeFind. Black Gospel Music, CDs, videos, books, publications, sheet music, equipment, free midi, and more. What did Jesus mean when He said, I am the Bread of Life John 635 Did Jesus declare Himself to be God by saying I AM Free Subliminal MP3 downloads Official and Only FreeSubliminal. Sprudio. Looking for free subliminal audio downloads to try before buying Gingerbread man written and performed by TheHappyape Once upon a time A man and his wife Had no children Had an empty life So they made up a dough And. January 15, 1995 Man Shall Not Live on Bread Alone What to Eat While Fasting. Last week we heard him make the amazing claim that the. God had called himself the bridegroom and. Israel in the Old Testament. Now here was Jesus. Today in this text we see. Jesus as the representative and head of a new Israel, as a kind of. Joshua preparing to take his people over into the promised. My other hope, besides getting to know Jesus better, is that we. It should give us pause. I think, to realize that the Son of God began his lifes ministry. We should stop and think about this. We. should ask, What about me, LordOur greatest need is not physical but spiritual. We crave the bread of life more than bread for our stomachs. Can I face the incredible. Christian life without sharing in the fasting of. Can we as a church experience the fullness of Christs power and. Lord in fasting These are. Bethlehem. I feel a stirring in my heart for what. God is preparing for us. When the staff fasted last Wednesday and. Lord wove some words together that are filled with hope. The last paragraph of my 1. And finally, thanks to you all for your prayer and your. I am happy in this work because you have. What a privilege to be here There are fresh breezes. My sails are up. The sky is clearing. The Lord is aboard. My heart is so hungry for a deeper work of God in our midst A. Cities. This is why. Charles Spurgeon, the London pastor. Our seasons of fasting and prayer at the Tabernacle have been. Heavens gate stood wider never have. Glory. My heart longs for us as a church to be nearer the Central. Glory, to be so near the fire that we burn with the zeal of Jesus. So lets look now at his fasting. Jesus Forty Day Fast. Matthew 3 1. 6 says that after being baptized, Jesus came up out of. Holy Spirit descended on. Now the Holy Spirit had always been with Jesus. He. was conceived by the Holy Spirit. But this was a special anointing. Jesus for his. three year public ministry. He was baptized to identify with us in. Gods rule and righteousness. And the Holy Spirit. The Fathers Pleasure and the Spirits Leading. As the Spirit comes upon Jesus, God the Father says v. This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. One of the. Jesus and us that the. Jesus was about to walk into was NOT. Fathers displeasure. This is especially important to see when you notice in the next. Matthew 4 1 what the Spirits first act is in Jesus. Muziek En Via Telefoon. It says, Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the. The first act of the Spirit. Jesus ministry is to lead him into the wilderness, and to. Satans testings. Jesus Prepares for Combat with Fasting. Under the Spirits leading Jesus prepared himself to meet the. The Spirit of God willed that the Son of God be. Jesus. triumph in this testing through fasting. Jesus triumphed over the. It seems to me that this story should shake us. Here is Jesus. standing on the threshold of the most important public ministry in. On his obedience and righteousness hangs. None will escape damnation without this. And God. wills that, at the very outset, the ministry be threatened with. Satan to abandon the. And of all the. hundreds of things Jesus might have done to fight off this. To fast If Satan had succeeded in deterring Jesus from the path of. We would. still be in our sins and without hope. Therefore we owe our. Jesus. This is a remarkable. Dont ride over this quickly. Think on it. Jesus began his ministry with fasting. And he triumphed over his. Deuteronomy 8 23 Parallels Matthew. Now to see the fuller meaning of this, turn with me to. Deuteronomy 8. Every time Jesus responds to the three temptations. Deuteronomy. Man. Deuteronomy 8 3 You shall. Lord your GodDeuteronomy 6 1. You shall. worship the Lord your God and him only shall you. Deuteronomy 6 1. Jesus Tempted in the Wilderness. This is very significant. Here is Jesus led by the Spirit into. Satan Jesus quotes passages from Deuteronomy, all of. Moses to the people of Israel about their time. In Matthew 4 34 it says. The tempter came and said to Him, If You are the Son of God. But He answered and. It is written, Man shall not live on bread alone, but on. God. Moses Words About Israels Time in the Wilderness. Now look at Deuteronomy 8 23 and mark the parallels that you. Jesus situation. Moses says to the people. You shall remember all the way which the Lord your God has. NOTE as Jesus was led by the. Spirit in the wilderness these forty years NOTE as. Jesus was there forty days, that He might humble you, testing. NOTE as Jesus was tested, to know what was in. His commandments or not. And. He humbled you and let you be hungry NOTE as Jesus was made. He might make you. Lord. What Do These Parallels Mean There are too many similarities between what is happening to. Jesus here in the wilderness and what was happening to the people. Israel to think it is an accident. What does this mean It means that God is now preparing to deliver his. Israelfrom the Egyptian bondage of sin. To do this he has sent a new. JoshuaJoshua and Jesus are exactly the same word in Greek. Acts 7 4. 5. This new Joshua stands as the head and representative. On their behalf he will now be led by God into. It will be 4. 0 days to represent 4. He. will be tested as Israel was tested. And he will hunger as Israel. And if he triumphs, he and all his people go safely into. The Aim of Jesus Fast and. Now we can see the meaning of Jesus fasting more clearly. Voluntary Identification with the People of God. It was a voluntary act of identification with. God in their wilderness deprivation and trial. Jesus. was saying in effect, I have been sent to lead the people of God. Egypt of sin into the promised land of salvation. To do. this I must be one of them. That is why I was born. Therefore I. will take on the testing that they experienced. I will represent. And with the Spirits help I will. A Means of Battling Satan. In other words Jesus fasting is part of his testing the way. Israel in the wilderness. But that. doesnt mean fasting wasnt a means of battling Satan. Because. fasting reveals where the heart is. And when the heart proves to. God more than bread, Satan does not have the foothold he would. Proving Our Hearts. The people of God are often called to go without the ordinary. Fasting is a brief, voluntary experience of this. When we experience this going. Lord reveals what is in our hearts. What are we. controlled byRichard Foster says in his chapter on fasting. More than any other single Discipline, fasting reveals the. This is a wonderful benefit to the true. Jesus. Christ. We cover up what is inside us with food and other good. If pride controls us. David said, I humbled my. Ps. 6. 9 1. 0. Anger, bitterness, jealousy. At first we will rationalize that our anger is due to our. We can rejoice in this knowledge because we know that.