Trainz Thomas Sites
Collective intelligence Wikipedia. Types of collective intelligence. No more missed important software updates UpdateStar 11 lets you stay up to date and secure with the software on your computer. PC Cheats, Cheatbook, games, New Cheats, Gamecheats, Pccheats, utility, CheatBookDataBase 2017. Collective intelligence CI is shared or group intelligence that emerges from the collaboration, collective efforts, and competition of many individuals and appears. Collective intelligence CI is shared or group intelligence that emerges from the collaboration, collective efforts, and competition of many individuals and appears in consensus decision making. The term appears in sociobiology, political science and in context of mass peer review and crowdsourcing applications. It may involve consensus, social capital and formalisms such as voting systems, social media and other means of quantifying mass activity. Sodor%20Oasis.jpg' alt='Trainz Thomas Sites' title='Trainz Thomas Sites' />Collective IQ is a measure of collective intelligence, although it is often used interchangeably with the term collective intelligence. Collective intelligence has also been attributed to bacteria1 6. It can be understood as an emergent property from the synergies among 1 data information knowledge 2 software hardware and 3 experts those with new insights as well as recognized authorities that continually learns from feedback to produce just in time knowledge for better decisions than these three elements acting alone. Or more narrowly as an emergent property between people and ways of processing information. This notion of collective intelligence is referred to as symbiotic intelligence by Norman Lee Johnson. The concept is used in sociology, business, computer science and mass communications it also appears in science fiction. Pierre Lvy defines collective intelligence as, It is a form of universally distributed intelligence, constantly enhanced, coordinated in real time, and resulting in the effective mobilization of skills. Ill add the following indispensable characteristic to this definition The basis and goal of collective intelligence is mutual recognition and enrichment of individuals rather than the cult of fetishized or hypostatized communities. According to researchers Pierre Lvy and Derrick de Kerckhove, it refers to capacity of networked ICTs Information communication technologies to enhance the collective pool of social knowledge by simultaneously expanding the extent of human interactions. Collective intelligence strongly contributes to the shift of knowledge and power from the individual to the collective. According to Eric S. Trainz Thomas Sites' title='Trainz Thomas Sites' />Raymond 1. JC Herz 2. Flew 2. Media theorist Henry Jenkins sees collective intelligence as an alternative source of media power, related to convergence culture. He draws attention to education and the way people are learning to participate in knowledge cultures outside formal learning settings. Henry Jenkins criticizes schools which promote autonomous problem solvers and self contained learners while remaining hostile to learning through the means of collective intelligence. Both Pierre Lvy 2. Henry Jenkins 2. Similar to the g factor g for general individual intelligence, a new scientific understanding of collective intelligence aims to extract a general collective intelligence factor c factor for groups indicating a groups ability to perform a wide range of tasks. Definition, operationalization and statistical methods are derived from g. Similarly as g is highly interrelated with the concept of IQ,91. Group IQ even though the score is not a quotient per se. Causes for c and predictive validity are investigated as well. Writers who have influenced the idea of collective intelligence include Douglas Hofstadter 1. Peter Russell 1. Tom Atlee 1. Pierre Lvy 1. 99. Howard Bloom 1. 99. Francis Heylighen 1. Douglas Engelbart, Louis Rosenberg, Cliff Joslyn, Ron Dembo, Gottfried Mayer Kress 2. Historyedit. H. G. Wells World Brain 1. The concept although not so named originated in 1. Marquis de Condorcet, whose jury theorem states that if each member of a voting group is more likely than not to make a correct decision, the probability that the highest vote of the group is the correct decision increases with the number of members of the group see Condorcets jury theorem. Many theorists have interpreted Aristotles statement in the Politics that a feast to which many contribute is better than a dinner provided out of a single purse to mean that just as many may bring different dishes to the table, so in a deliberation many may contribute different pieces of information to generate a better decision. My-Trainz-Screenshot-Image.jpg' alt='Trainz Thomas Sites' title='Trainz Thomas Sites' />Recent scholarship,1. Aristotle meant but is a modern interpretation based on what we now know about team intelligence. A precursor of the concept is found in entomologist William Morton Wheelers observation that seemingly independent individuals can cooperate so closely as to become indistinguishable from a single organism 1. Wheeler saw this collaborative process at work in ants that acted like the cells of a single beast he called a superorganism. In 1. 91. 2 mile Durkheim identified society as the sole source of human logical thought. He argued in The Elementary Forms of Religious Life that society constitutes a higher intelligence because it transcends the individual over space and time. Other antecedents are Vladimir Vernadskys concept of noosphere and H. G. Wellss concept of world brain see also the term global brain. Peter Russell, Elisabet Sahtouris, and Barbara Marx Hubbard originator of the term conscious evolution1. The notion has more recently been examined by the philosopher Pierre Lvy. In a 1. 96. 2 research report, Douglas Engelbart linked collective intelligence to organizational effectiveness, and predicted that pro actively augmenting human intellect would yield a multiplier effect in group problem solving Three people working together in this augmented mode would seem to be more than three times as effective in solving a complex problem as is one augmented person working alone. In 1. 99. 4, he coined the term collective IQ as a measure of collective intelligence, to focus attention on the opportunity to significantly raise collective IQ in business and society. The idea of collective intelligence also forms the framework for contemporary democratic theories often referred to as epistemic democracy. Epistemic democratic theories refer to the capacity of the populace, either through deliberation or aggregation of knowledge, to track the truth and relies on mechanisms to synthesize and apply collective intelligence. Dimensionsedit. Complex adaptive systems model. Howard Bloom has discussed mass behavior collective behavior from the level of quarks to the level of bacterial, plant, animal, and human societies. He stresses the biological adaptations that have turned most of this earths living beings into components of what he calls a learning machine. The subway page world subway maps with many links to other transport information, principally light rail, tram, and other urban transport. Bitcoin. La bolla dei bitcoin ed il sonno dei regulatorsBitcoin da 10 a 11mila dollari in poche ore. Poi cala a 9500. bolla Mailing Lists Discussion Groups. Auden Age Of Anxiety Pdf Reader. Get in touch with other Zheads by joining an email list or perusing discussion group postings. Download Awakening To Zero Point Pdf. Zscale the center of the online Z. GFBVbLfGSA/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Trainz Thomas Sites' title='Trainz Thomas Sites' />In 1. Bloom combined the concepts of apoptosis, parallel distributed processing, group selection, and the superorganism to produce a theory of how collective intelligence works. Later he showed how the collective intelligences of competing bacterial colonies and human societies can be explained in terms of computer generated complex adaptive systems and the genetic algorithms, concepts pioneered by John Holland. Bloom traced the evolution of collective intelligence to our bacterial ancestors 1 billion years ago and demonstrated how a multi species intelligence has worked since the beginning of life. Ant societies exhibit more intelligence, in terms of technology, than any other animal except for humans and co operate in keeping livestock, for example aphids for milking.