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Sap Hu Serial Number Table

SAP Table MARA General Material Data. Home. SAP Tables. Field. Key. Data Element. Type. Offset. Leng. Decimals. Check Table. Text. MANDTXMANDTCLNT0. T0. 00. Client. MATNRXMATNRCHAR3. MARAMaterial Number. ERSDAERSDADATS2. 28. Created On. ERNAMERNAMCHAR3. Name of Person who Created the Object. LAEDALAEDADATS4. 28. Date of Last Change. AENAMAENAMCHAR5. 01. Name of Person Who Changed Object. VPSTAVPSTACHAR6. 21. Maintenance status of complete material. PSTATPSTATDCHAR7. Maintenance status. LVORMLVOMACHAR9. 21. Flag Material for Deletion at Client Level. In transaction CS14, we can compare BOMs. But in the initial screen, the primary BOM and secondary BOM are material BOMs by default. Please go to the GotoPrimary. Purpose. The purpose of this page is to provide a list of the EWM main tables separated by area. Overview. Below you will find listed the EWM main tables and its. Dear SAP Community Member, In order to fully benefit from what the SAP Community has to offer, please register at http Thank you, The SAP Community team. Specifying HU Numbers. You can set the value X in the file in the column EXTNO. MTARTMTARTCHAR9. 34. T1. 34. Material Type. MBRSHMBRSHCHAR9. 71. T1. 37. Industry sector. MATKLMATKLCHAR9. 89. T0. 23. Material Group. BISMTBISMTCHAR1. 07. Old material number. MEINSMEINSUNIT1. 25. T0. 06. Base Unit of Measure. BSTMEBSTMEUNIT1. 28. T0. 06. Purchase Order Unit of Measure. ZEINRDZEINRCHAR1. Document number without document management systemZEIARDZEIARCHAR1. Document type without Document Management systemZEIVRDZEIVRCHAR1. Integration with SAP ERP. If the EWM warehouse number is integrated with an SAP ERP system, the total physical stock of the warehouse number equals. Hi, I have performed a remoted client copy of ECP300 to ECQ system using. SAPALL Profile and the client copied successfully. After the client. Advanced Tips. If you have the ADOdb C extension installed, you can replace your calls to rsMoveNext with adodbmovenextrs. This doubles the speed of this. Document version without Document Management systemZEIFODZEIFOCHAR1. Page format of document without Document Management systemAESZNAESZNCHAR1. Document change number without document management systemBLATTBLATTCHAR1. Page number of document without Document Management systemBLANZBLANZNUMC1. Number of sheets without Document Management systemFERTHFERTHCHAR1. Europe Map Shapefile Download. Productioninspection memo. FORMTFORMTCHAR1. 92. Page Format of Production Memo. GROESGROESCHAR1. 96. Sizedimensions. WRKSTWRKSTCHAR2. Sap Hu Serial Number Table' title='Sap Hu Serial Number Table' />Basic Material. NORMTNORMTCHAR2. Industry Standard Description such as ANSI or ISOLABORLABORCHAR2. T0. 24. LLaboratorydesign office. EKWSLEKWSLCHAR2. 97. Purchasing Value Key. BRGEWBRGEWQUAN3. 01. Gross Weight. NTGEWNTGEWQUAN3. Net Weight. GEWEIGEWEIUNIT3. T0. 06. Weight Unit. VOLUMVOLUMQUAN3. 18. Volume. VOLEHVOLEHUNIT3. T0. 06. Volume unit. BEHVOBEHVOCHAR3. 28. T1. 44. Container requirements. RAUBERAUBECHAR3. 30. T1. 42. Storage conditions. TEMPBTEMPBCHAR3. 32. T1. 43. Temperature conditions indicator. DISSTDISSTCHAR3. 34. Low Level Code. TRAGRTRAGRCHAR3. TTGRTransportation Group. STOFFSTOFFCHAR3. 41. MGEFHazardous material number. SPARTSPARTCHAR3. 59. TSPADivision. KUNNRWETTBCHAR3. KNA1. Competitor. EANNREANNRCHAR3. 71. European Article Number EAN obsolete WESCHWESCHQUAN3. Quantity Number of GRGI slips to be printed. BWVORBWVORCHAR3. 91. Procurement rule. BWSCLBWSCLCHAR3. 92. Source of Supply. SAISOSAISOCHAR3. 93. T6. WSPSeason Category. ETIARETIARCHAR3. 97. T6. WP3. Label type. ETIFOETIFOCHAR3. 99. T6. WP4. Label form. ENTARDUMMYENTARCHAR4. Deactivated. EAN1. EAN1. 1CHAR4. 02. International Article Number EANUPCNUMTPNUMTPCHAR4. Category of International Article Number EANLAENGLAENGQUAN4. Length. BREITBREITQUAN4. Width. HOEHEHOEHEQUAN4. Height. MEABMMEABMUNIT4. T0. 06. Unit of Dimension for LengthWidthHeight. PRDHAPRODHDCHAR4. T1. 79. Product hierarchy. AEKLKCKAEKLKCHAR4. Stock Transfer Net Change Costing. CADKZCADKZCHAR4. 65. CAD Indicator. QMPURQMPURCHAR4. QM in Procurement is Active. ERGEWERGEWQUAN4. 67. Allowed packaging weight. ERGEIERGEIUNIT4. 74. T0. 06. Unit of weight allowed packaging weightERVOLERVOLQUAN4. Allowed packaging volume. ERVOEERVOEUNIT4. 84. T0. 06. Volume unit allowed packaging volumeGEWTOGEWTODEC4. Excess Weight Tolerance for Handling unit. VOLTOVOLTODEC4. 89. Excess Volume Tolerance of the Handling Unit. VABMEVABMECHAR4. 91. Variable Purchase Order Unit Active. KZREVKZREVCHAR4. 92. Revision Level Has Been Assigned to the Material. KZKFGKZKFGCHAR4. 93. Configurable Material. XCHPFXCHPFCHAR4. 94. Batch management requirement indicator. VHARTVHIARTCHAR4. Packaging Material Type. FUELGFUELGDEC4. 99. Maximum level by volumeSTFAKSTFAKINT2. Stacking factor. MAGRVMAGRVCHAR5. Material Group Packaging Materials. BEGRUBEGRUCHAR5. 08. Authorization Group. DATABDATABDATS5. 12. Valid From Date. LIQDTLIQDTDATS5. Deletion date. SAISJSAISJCHAR5. Season Year. PLGTPPLGTPCHAR5. Price Band Category. MLGUTWMITLEERGCHAR5. Empties Bill of Material. EXTWGEXTWGCHAR5. 35. External Material Group. SATNRSATNRCHAR5. 53. MARACross Plant Configurable Material. ATTYPATTYPCHAR5. 71. Material Category. KZKUPKZKUPMATCHAR5. Indicator Material can be co product. KZNFMKZNFMCHAR5. 74. Indicator The material has a follow up material. PMATAPMATNCHAR5. 75. MARAPricing Reference Material. MSTAEMSTAECHAR5. 93. T1. 41. Cross Plant Material Status. MSTAVMSTAVCHAR5. 95. Cross distribution chain material status. MSTDEMSTDEDATS5. 97. Date from which the cross plant material status is valid. MSTDVMSTDVDATS6. 05. Date from which the X distr. TAKLVTAKLVCHAR6. 13. Tax classification of the material. RBNRMRBNRCHAR6. 14. T3. 52. BCatalog Profile. MHDRZMHDRZDEC6. 23. Minimum Remaining Shelf Life. MHDHBMHDHBDEC6. 26. Total shelf life. MHDLPMHDLPDEC6. 29. Storage percentage. INHMEINHMEUNIT6. 31. T0. 06. Content unit. INHALINHALQUAN6. 34. Net contents. VPREHVPREHDEC6. Comparison price unit. ETIAGETIAGCHAR6. 44. IS R Labeling material grouping deactivated in 4. INHBRINHBRQUAN6. 62. Gross contents. CMETHOIBCMETHCHAR6. Quantity Conversion Method. CUOBFCUOBMNUMC6. 70. Internal object number. KZUMWKZUMWCHAR6. 88. Environmentally Relevant. KOSCHKOSCHCHAR6. 89. T1. 90. SProduct allocation determination procedure. SPROFSPROFCHAR7. 07. Pricing profile for variants. NRFHGNRFHGCHAR7. 08. Material qualifies for discount in kind. MFRPNMFRPNCHAR7. 09. Manufacturer Part Number. MFRNRMFRNRCHAR7. 49. LFA1. Number of a Manufacturer. BMATNMPMATCHAR7. 59. MARANumber of firms own internal inventory managed material. MPROFMPROFCHAR7. 77. Manufacturer Part Profile. KZWSMKZWSOCHAR7. 81. Units of measure usage. SAITYSAITYCHAR7. 82. T6. WSARollout in a Season. PROFLADGEPROFLCHAR7. Dangerous Goods Indicator Profile. IHIVIADGEIHIVICHAR7. Indicator Highly Viscous. ILOOSADGEILOOSCHAR7. Indicator In BulkLiquid. SERLVSERLVCHAR7. 89. Level of Explicitness for Serial Number. KZGVHKZGVHCHAR7. 90. Packaging Material is Closed Packaging. XGCHPXGCHPCHAR7. 91. Indicator Approved batch record required. KZEFFCCMTEFFCHAR7. Assign effectivity parameter values override change numbers. COMPLCSCPCOMPLVLNUMC7. Material completion level. IPRKZDATTPCHAR7. 95. Period Indicator for Shelf Life Expiration Date. RDMHDRDMHDCHAR7. 96. Rounding rule for calculation of SLEDPRZUSPRZUSCHAR7. Indicator Product composition printed on packaging. MTPOSMARAMTPOSMARACHAR7. TPTMGeneral item category group. BFLMEBFLMECHAR8. 02. Generic Material with Logistical Variants. MATFIMATFICHAR8. 03. Material Is Locked. CMRELDECMRELEVANCEFLAGCHAR8. Relevant for Configuration Management. BBTYPBBTYPCHAR8. 05. Assortment List Type. SLEDBBDSLEDBBDCHAR8. Expiration Date. GTINVARIANTGTINVARIANTCHAR8. Global Trade Item Number Variant. GENNRWSTRSATNRPPCHAR8. MARAMaterial Number of the Generic Material in Prepack Materials. RMATPPLRMATPCHAR8. MARAReference material for materials packed in same way. GDSRELEVANTGDSRELEVANTCHAR8. Indicator Global Data Synchronization Relevant. WEORAWEORACHAR8. 46. Acceptance At Origin. HUTYPDFLTCIFHUTYPDFCHAR8. Standard HU Type. PILFERABLECIFPILFRBLCHAR8. Pilferable. WHSTCCIFWHSTCCHAR8. Warehouse Storage Condition. WHMATGRCIFWHMATGRCHAR8. Warehouse Material Group. HNDLCODECIFHDLCODECHAR8. Handling Indicator. HAZMATCIFHAZMATCHAR8. Relevant for Hazardous Substances. HUTYPCIFHUTYPCHAR8. Handling Unit Type. TAREVARCIFTAREVARCHAR8. Variable Tare Weight. MAXCCIFMAXCDEC8. 68. Maximum Allowed Capacity of Packaging Material. MAXCTOLCIFMAXCTOLDEC8. Overcapacity Tolerance of the Handling Unit. MAXLCIFMAXLQUAN8. Maximum Packing Length of Packaging Material. MAXBCIFMAXBQUAN8.