Xerces Sample Programs
This section describes how to install the free processors. The commercial processors are assumed to provide instructions and support. You should check the details. Xerces most recent book, Attracting Native Pollinators Protecting North Americas Bees and Butterflies, is available to purchase from our website. This Licensing Information document is a part of the product or program documentation under the terms of your Oracle license agreement and is intended to help you. This page andor pages linked from this page contain Third Party Software Licenses andor Additional Terms and Conditions applicable to the use of the Software as. Wildlife Guide. Bison bison. Though theyve faced dramatic decline in the wild, American bison have made great contributions to our nations environment, economy, and cultural identity. Celebrate their impact by discovering more about these iconic animals. View and Download Dell C7765dn user manual online. Color Multifunction Printer. C7765dn All in One Printer pdf manual download. Java API for XML Processing. In computing, the Java API for XML Processing, or JAXP JAKS pee, one of the Java XMLApplication programming interfaces APIs, provides the capability of validating and parsing XML documents. It has three basic parsing interfaces In addition to the parsing interfaces, the API provides an XSLT interface to provide data and structural transformations on an XML document. JAXP was developed under the Java Community Process as JSR 5 JAXP 1. JSR 6. 3 JAXP 1. JSR 2. JAXP 1. Java SE version. JAXP version bundled. JAXP version 1. 4. September 3, 2. 01. JAXP 1. 3 was end of lifed on February 1. DOM interfaceeditPerhaps the easiest part of JAXP to understand, the DOM interface parses an entire XML document and constructs a complete in memory representation of the document using the classes and modeling the concepts found in the Document Object ModelDOM Level 2 Core Specification. The DOM parser is called a Document. Builder, as it builds an in memory Document representation. The javax. xml. parsers. Document. Builder is created by the javax. Document. Builder. Factory. The Document. Builder creates an org. Document instance a tree structure containing nodes in the XML Document. Each tree node in the structure implements the org. Node interface. Among the many different types of tree nodes, each representing the type of data found in an XML document, the most important include element nodes that may have attributestext nodes representing the text found between the start and end tags of a document element. Refer to the Javadoc documentation of the Java packageorg. Xerces Sample Programs' title='Xerces Sample Programs' />SAX interfaceeditThe javax. SAXParser. Factory creates the SAX parser, called the SAXParser. Unlike the DOM parser, the SAX parser does not create an in memory representation of the XML document and so runs faster and uses less memory. Instead, the SAX parser informs clients of the XML document structure by invoking callbacks, that is, by invoking methods on a org. Default. Handler instance provided to the parser. This way of accessing document is called Streaming XML. The Default. Handler class implements the Content. Handler, the Error. Handler, the DTDHandler, and the Entity. Shantaram Audio Book Torrent more. Resolver interfaces. Most clients will be interested in methods defined in the Content. Handler interface that are called when the SAX parser encounters the corresponding elements in the XML document. The most important methods in this interface are start. Document and end. Document methods that are called at the start and end of a XML document. Element and end. Element methods that are called at the start and end of a document element. XML document element. Clients provide a subclass of the Default. Handler that overrides these methods and processes the data. This may involve storing the data into a database or writing it out to a stream. During parsing, the parser may need to access external documents. It is possible to store a local cache for frequently used documents using an XML Catalog. This was introduced with Java 1. May 2. 00. 0. 2St. AX interfaceeditSt. AX was designed as a median between the DOM and SAX interface. In its metaphor, the programmatic entry point is a cursor that represents a point within the document. The application moves the cursor forward pulling the information from the parser as it needs. This is different from an event based API such as SAX which pushes data to the application requiring the application to maintain state between events as necessary to keep track of location within the document. XSLT interfaceeditThe XML Stylesheet Language for Transformations, or XSLT, allows for conversion of an XML document into other forms of data. JAXP provides interfaces in package javax. XSLT transformation. This interface was originally called Tr. AX Transformation API for XML, and was developed by an informal collaboration between the developers of a number of Java XSLT processors. Main features of the interface area factory class allowing the application to select dynamically which XSLT processor it wishes to use Transformer. Factory, Transformer. Factory. new. Instance, Transformer. Factory. new. Instancejava. String, java. lang. Class. Loadermethods on the factory class to create a Templates object, representing the compiled form of a stylesheet. This is a thread safe object that can be used repeatedly, in series or in parallel, to apply the same stylesheet to multiple source documents or to the same source document with different parameters Transformer. Factory. new. Templatesjavax. Source, also Transformer. Factory. new. Transformerjavax. Source, Transformer. Factory. new. Transformera method on the Templates object to create a Transformer, representing the executable form of a stylesheet Templates. Transformer. This cannot be shared across threads, though it is serially reusable. The Transformer provides methods to set stylesheet parameters and serialization options for example, whether output should be indented, and a method to actually run the transformation. Transformer. transformjavax. Source, javax. xml. ResultTwo abstract interfaces Source and Result are defined to represent the input and output of the transformation. This is a somewhat unconventional use of Java interfaces, since there is no expectation that a processor will accept any class that implements the interface each processor can choose which kinds of Source or Result it is prepared to handle. In practice all JAXP processors support the three standard kinds of Source DOMSource, SAXSource, Stream. Source and the three standard kinds of Result DOMResult, SAXResult, Stream. Result and possibly other implementations of their own. ExampleeditThe most primitive but complete example of XSLT transformation launching may look like this file srcexamplesxsltXslt. Demo. java packageexamples. String. Reader importjava. String. Writer importjavax. Transformer importjavax. Transformer. Exception importjavax. Transformer. Factory importjavax. Transformer. Factory. Configuration. Error importjavax. Stream. Result importjavax. Stream. Source publicclass. Xslt. DemopublicstaticvoidmainStringargsthrows. Transformer. Factory. Configuration. Error,Transformer. ExceptionStringxslt. Resourcelt xml version1. UTF 8 nlt xsl stylesheet version2. XSLTransform n lt xsl output methodxml indentno n lt xsl template match n lt re. Root lt re. Node lt xsl value of selectrootnodeval worldlt re. Node lt re. Root n lt xsl template nlt xsl stylesheet Stringxml. Source. Resourcelt UTF 8 nlt root lt node valhello lt root String. Writerxml. Result. Resourcenew. String. Writer Transformerxml. TransformerTransformer. Factory. new. Instance. Transformernew. Stream. Sourcenew. String. Readerxslt. Resource xml. Transformer. transformnew. Stream. Sourcenew. String. Readerxml. Source. Resource,new. Stream. Resultxml. Result. Resource System. Result. Resource. Buffer. to. String It applies the following hardcoded XSLT transformation lt UTF 8 lt xsl stylesheetversion2. XSLTransform lt xsl outputmethodxmlindentno lt xsl templatematch lt re. Root lt re. Node lt xsl value ofselectrootnodeval worldlt re.