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Solaris Check Patch Date

Solaris Check Patch Date' title='Solaris Check Patch Date' />DDICTYPEINCONSISTENCY error duringafter SAPBASIS patch load in SPAMDear Awesome Gurus,Im probably screwed, but Ill post this anyway for a possible solution. I just build a NW 7. PI system, Solaris, Oracle 1. I was bringing it up to SP1. ABAP. During the install in SPAM for SAPBASIS SAPKB7. SAPKB7. 00. 15 my oraarch logs filled up and also we had a power failure on my PC, so I lost the SPAM that was running in dialogue mode. I created more room in the oraarch directory, but the DB was not available when I did startsap check, but the CI instance was still up. So I did a startsapstopsap and got the DB back up. But now when I login to SAP GUI, I get this message for just about every TCODE I try to run Let me know if Im totally screwed and just need to give up and go to my backup I made before the patches were done. Runtime Errors DDICTYPEINCONSISTENCYDate and Time 0. Short text Inconsistency in the Dictionary for the structure WDYCTLRPARAM. Source Code Extract. Line Source. Cde 4. DD2. 6V TYPE DD2. V OCCURS 0, 4. 44 DD2. V TYPE DD2. 7V OCCURS 0, 4. DD2. 8V TYPE DD2. V OCCURS 0, 4. 46 MDLOG TYPE SMODILOG OCCURS 0, 4. END OF SVRS2VIED. TYPES BEGIN OF SVRS2VIET, 4. DD0. 9V TYPE DD0. V OCCURS 0, 4. 50 MDLOG TYPE SMODILOG OCCURS 0, 4. END OF SVRS2VIET. TYPES BEGIN OF SVRS2WAPD, 4. APPL TYPE O2. APPL OCCURS 0, 4. Drum Kits Logic 9. APPLT TYPE O2. APPLT OCCURS 0, 4. NAVGR TYPE O2. NAVGRAPH OCCURS 0, 4. NAVMP TYPE O2. NAVMAP OCCURS 0, 4. END OF SVRS2WAPD. TYPES BEGIN OF SVRS2WAPP, 4. PCON TYPE O2. PAGCON OCCURS 0, 4. PDIR TYPE O2. PAGDIR OCCURS 0, 4. PPAR TYPE O2. PAGPAR OCCURS 0, 4. Kar Player Download Free. PPART TYPE O2. PAGPART OCCURS 0, 4. PVH TYPE O2. PAGEVH OCCURS 0, 4. PDIRT TYPE O2. PAGDIRT OCCURS 0, 4. END OF SVRS2WAPP. TYPES BEGIN OF SVRS2WDYC, 4. CATTR TYPE WDYCTXATTRIB OCCURS 0, 4. CCOMP TYPE WDYCTLRCOMPOVRS OCCURS 0, 4. Browning African Safari Deluxe Pc Game on this page. CCOMS TYPE WDYCTLRCOMPOSOURCEVRS OCCURS 0, 4. CCOMT TYPE WDYCTLRCOMPOT OCCURS 0, 4. CMAPP TYPE WDYCTXMAPPING OCCURS 0, 4. CNODE TYPE WDYCTXNODE OCCURS 0, CPARA TYPE WDYCTLRPARAM OCCURS 0, 4. CPART TYPE WDYCTLRPARAMT OCCURS 0, 4. CUSAG TYPE WDYCTLRUSAGE OCCURS 0, 4. DEFIN TYPE WDYCONTROLLER OCCURS 0, 4. DESCR TYPE WDYCONTROLLERT OCCURS 0, 4. FGRPS TYPE WDYFIELDGROUP OCCURS 0, 4. Solaris Administrators Quick Reference Author Jialong He Email Jialonghebigfoot. User Initialization. Solaris Check Patch Date' title='Solaris Check Patch Date' />Xerox 700i700 Digital Color Press with Integrated Fiery Color Server Support Drivers. Support for packages has been discontinued on Sunfreeware. Please Visit our New Website UNIXPackages. UNIX packages provides full package support for all levels. Oracle WebLogic Server Issues. This chapter describes issues associated with Oracle WebLogic Server. It includes the following topics JDK 7 Certification. MDLOG TYPE SMODILOG OCCURS 0, 4. END OF SVRS2WDYC. TYPES BEGIN OF SVRS2WDYD, 4. CTMAP TYPE WDYEXTCTXMAP OCCURS 0, 4. CTUSE TYPE WDYEXTCTLRUSE OCCURS 0, 4. CUSAG TYPE WDYCOMPOUSAGE OCCURS 0, 4. DEFIN TYPE WDYCOMPONENT OCCURS 0, 4. DESCR TYPE WDYCOMPONENTT OCCURS 0, What happened Error in the SAP kernel. The current ABAP SAPLSEUF program had to be terminated because the ABAP processor detected an internal system error. Error analysis There is an internal system error. ABAP4. Trigger Location of Runtime Error Program SAPLSEUF Include LSVRXPIN Row 4.